Please join with the Birth Center Equity Network to celebrate the first annual Birth Center Week this September 14-20! (Look for all Birth Center Week offerings in Spanish, coming soon!)
The theme of Birth Center Week 2023 is Midwifing Justice, offering everyone a powerful opportunity:
- To celebrate and elevate the impact and potential of birth centers, with a focus on community birth centers that provide safe, culturally-reverent, midwifery-led health care for all, and
- To Midwife Justice by growing the collective cultural, economic, and political power of community birth centers led by Black, Indigenous, people of color.
Birth Center Week 2023 features virtual gatherings such as:
- Birth & Beloved Economy (including Taj James, Full Spectrum Labs; Tenesha Duncan, Orchid Capital Collective, Maymangwa Flying Earth, Esq, Birthing Sovereignty);
- Birthing Powerful State Policy (including Indra Lusero, Elephant Circle; Nicole White, Birth Detroit; Leseliey Welch, Birth Detroit & Birth Center Equity); and
- Debut of Midwifing Justice a new animated video (produced by the award winning team at Sharp As Knives) evoking the power and beauty of a world where Black, Indigenous, people of color live in safety, abundance, and liberation, creating a pathway for safety, abundance, and liberation for all.
Birth Center Week is also core to our emerging network practice and strategy of mutual aid.
Sign up for Birth Center Week info by clicking here and following BCE (in English & Spanish) on social media! IG @birthcenterequitybce FB Birth Center Equity Twitter @community_birth.
Look for Birth Center Week merch (in English & Spanish) coming to the BCE store in August.
For our organizational allies, here are 4 easy steps that you can take to be part of making the first annual Birth Center Week a success:
- Join in the Birth Center Week Social Media Launch July 17-21. Please like and share our first Birth Center Week post going out Monday, July 17! And, be sure to follow us and like and share all our Birth Center Week posts (in English & Spanish)! IG @birthcenterequitybce FB Birth Center Equity Twitter @community_birth
- Send us your logo to post on our Birth Center Week Allies page. We’ll have a page on the Birth Center Week website with logos from our friends. Just send us your logo (to and we’ll be honored to add you!
- Make an ally or corporate gift to the first annual Birth Center Week. To make a contribution, please email
- Publicize Birth Center Week in your newsletter. Let us know if you’d like some sample wording!
Please contact Julie Quiroz ( with any questions or thoughts you may have.
See you in September!!